The Holy Prophet (Muhammad saw) while departing from this world, left among you the same things as were left by the preceding prophets amongst their followers, because none of them ever left this world without leaving behind him a clear and intelligible set of directions and a prominent easily recognizable and lasting emblem.
In the same way, our Holy Prophet left the Holy Quran with you.
He not only left this Divine Book, but he had during his life time fully explained all of which this Book declared lawful and legitimate or unlawful and prohibitory for you; Which act was obligatory and which act was desirable, which of the orders or interdictions remain in force, and which were repealed; where no exemption and leniency was to be tolerated and where the Merciful Allah had allowed indulgence and leniency; where there were the commands whih pertain to particular occasions and persons and those which were general for all times places, persons….All this he explained to you, commenting, interpreting, and explaining every ambiguous passage and clearing implied subtleties and significances.(All of the above is his Sunnah)
Nahjul Balagha, Sermon 2, pg 148,
Friday, March 16, 2007
Prophet Muhammad left behind him Quran and Sunnah
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Types of Shirk
When he ( Prophet Muhammad saw) was entrusted with the Divine mission at
that time, people were following different creeds,were divided into numerous
sects and had multitudinous schools of thought. These diverse creeds and
religions were mostly divided into three main classes.
- Some of them compared Allah to His creatures and thus tried to personify Him;
- some others tired to impart His attributes to others and this gave way to infidelity,
- while others had no faith in His attributes or His being.Through our holy Prophet,
Allah made these people check their ways of thought and worship and He thus wished to bring them out of their ignorance.
Nahjul Balagha, Sermon 2, pg 147.
The chain of Prophets and the Last Link.
to be continued...None of them( The Prophets of Allah) left this world without indicating and
pointing out the one who was to take up his place after his demise and carry
Divine Mission; Thus everyone of them was predicted by the Prophet who
passed away before him and in turn was testified by him. (Therefore it was not
difficult for for human beings to recgnize the true Prophet and distinguish him
from the pretender)This ages succeeded ages, till Allah desired to bring the teachings of His
(Allah) religion to the final stage of perfection. As He had promised in the
beginning, He appointed the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) as His Last
Prophet.Nahjul Balagha, Sermon 2, pg 147.